If I had the POWER to CHANGE something…

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda

The hegemony ,the supremacy

and here comes the miasma ..

Moreover its blend with the ugly head of “I”…

Can that change gives you a pure breath of life..??

You could brag

  Ah!! If I had the power to change something ,I would  change~

~ the destinies, the times,

~ the conservative minds,

~ men’s vein and

perspective towards women,

~ the periods of life,

~ the conditions of those

 who sweat and strive..

The list is endless but

for a jiffy muse on to change

just  a speck of self..

You will find the zing, the vigor

for it  in yourself….

that’s what is quintessential

that’s what is key to life…




    • Thank you so much, Dear for such appreciating words…And yes um from Gwalior but these days I am living in some other city…
      really excited to know that you too belong to Gwalior ..As soon as um back will surely get in touch with you…Anyways where do you reside in Gwalior..
      Um really sorry for responding so late…was stuck up hard..

  1. I’d change many/most/maybe all of the things in your list, if I could but it’s amazing how little effort we are willing to expend changing the one thing we can change – ourselves. Well observed.

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