“..and then there were none “

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 36; the thirty-fifth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. The theme for the month is “and then there were none”

The big haversack, rugged ,messy, mucky ,in shreds

agog for his per diem sojourn…

To gaze the flocks of colorful feathers,

to chase the on-road fellow riders.

Rows of dahlias and poppies,

lurking from balconies hails him..

He is enthralled and stupefied,

suddenly the brakes are applied..

jumping and bumping, now, on a shoulder- ride

A second slipped ,a familiar stroke he sipped

Aah!! it was the only one, the last one ,one last letter

and that too is now delivered..

Oh!! it left me empty ,it left me devoid

..and then there were none ,he ogled inside,

Hundreds of strokes flipped in his mind ,

Zillions of expressions did unwind,

dubious ,subtle,dialated eyes ,cheeks puffed up,

he captured those winks of triumph and cheer..

 even  the spells of grief and despair..

How wondrous he found himself  , he carries so many mysteries around,

he escorts in, memories,colored ,hued

 strings in, sometimes, what you just mused..

plays hopscotch ,runs,rides and comes to you across the miles

spine tingling he is ,together with him, rides both, the tears and the smiles…

Isn’t this a miracle ??

It comes from within the postman’s haversack magical …

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. Introduced By: BLOGGER NAME, Participation Count: XX


  1. ‘How wondrous he found himself , he carries so many mysteries around,’
    Very perceptive, Odyzz. You seem to have a deep perception of human mind The levels of awareness n the composition has been portrayed so well.Reminds me of that haunting number–‘dakiya daak laya’
    I feel privileged to have you as a friend.:)

    • Ahaa!! your affectionate words are just like an award to me..I drench myself in your words and feel as if I am a winner..you are an inspiration to me …The privilege and the pleasure is all mine to be your friend..A big Thanks to you from the bottom of my heart ,Di… 🙂
      of course ‘dakiya daak laya ‘was one of my favourites ..I was very fond of writing long letters to my siblings and relatives…

  2. The Postman – once upon a time, he could be seen everywhere, carrying letters and parcels, delivering life in all its colours. Now, he is a rare sight, at least in cities, where the typed word has taken over the handwritten one. And yet, there was a time when a visit from him would be wildly anticipated and awaited. Oh, those glorious days 🙂

    Beautifully written!

    Mixi (Here’s my BAT entry 🙂)

  3. “together with him, rides both, the tears and the smiles…” simply beautiful, a postman himself is a carrier of memories and this post brought backmany wonderful memories… Marvelous write-up Odyzz!!

  4. That is such a simple narration. I think most people know their postman on a first name basis yet I am not sure if we realize how simply he is entwined in our lives. I’m glad your poem touches so beautifully on the subject. Good Job!

  5. Interesting, postman conjures up so many imageries. The rapid flow of words reflect the postman’s urgency to dispose his wares to those eagerly waiting, when indeed the snail mail was the primary means of communication. Thank you.

  6. HEY Odyzz.. My first time here. Sorry for being late.
    But I was pleasantly surprised by this wonderful composition. Can’t point out a single thing. I loved many things about this poem. The use of words was appropriate and impeccable. Different emotions were described beautifully.

    • Hi Deepak,
      Warm welcome to my nest..
      No need to apologize for anything.. I am glad that my composition did not disappoint you in any ways..Words of appreciation from the poet of your stature gives me a sense of satiation..keep sharing your precious words on my writings.. I shall always look forward for them, my Gemini friend..

  7. i belong to that era of handwritten letters. and how eagerly we waited for him everyday. all my family members and relatives stayed in the same small little town, so no question of anyone sending us letters but still we stopped him everyday, “anything for us?”

    those letters were magical and so is this post!! even though i consider myself barely qualified to comment on a post like this but just want to say – i did understand this one 🙂

    • Deb, I jump with joy when you say that you could relate to what I have written ..my efforts were saved to have travelled to trash..your feedback keep me on toes to write better in a way that the reader is not disappointed in any ways..I cherish your presence on my space..keep stopping by..

      P.S Sorry for the late reply

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